Creation Care focusing on the Climate of Creation

Social Statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, April 20, 2023. 

“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.” —Psalm 24:11

“God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations.’” —Genesis 9:12 


  1. In the Holy Scriptures, God assigns a sacred responsibility to human beings: we are to care for and keep God’s creation for future generations. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) first addressed this calling three decades ago by pairing environmental justice with social justice in Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice.

  2. That statement emphasizes the goodness of all creation, humanity’s kinship with other creatures, and the Holy Trinity’s promise for the fulfillment of all creation (Ephesians 1:10). It also names climate change as a central environmental issue, one the ELCA has addressed to varying degrees since 1993.

  3. Thirty years later, many across the globe recognize with urgent clarity that climate change poses grave dangers to present and future generations. For example, the Lutheran World Federation has emphasized how care for creation is a core Christian calling and that climate change is a threat to justice and human rights.

  4. With this social message the ELCA provides facts, raises questions, draws on its own social teaching, and identifies convictions that expansively address caretaking for Earth’s climate. At the heart of this social message lies the claim that climate change presents humanity with a kairos moment; that is, a critical moment in time when God is leading us into decisive action. 

Let Your Ministry Be Seen

From lightbulbs, the synod’s creation care team would like to know what are you are doing in our synod.  We will write about what you are doing so your neighbor congregations can be inspired too. Send your efforts to Pastor Janet Wollam at

Get Involved

  • Tell us what you would like to learn about in future “Creation Care” posts.

  • Invite a Creation Care speaker to your church or group

  • Contact Pastor Janet Wollam at


Congregational Reports Due to the Synod by Feb. 15, 2024


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