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Discernment Guide

  • Share this discernment guide regarding ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America with any members who are interested in considering a call to rostered ministry. 

Financial Resources

Holy Conversations

Mission Support

Mutual Ministry Tools

  • From Pastor and People, by Richard Brueschoff, Augsburg Fortress, 2003

    The relationship between the pastor and the people is integral to a congregation's life and ministry. This timely resource offers key insights on tending to various aspects of this relationship, including reflections on the ministry of clergy and laity, the role of a pastor, ministry review, performance evaluation, and much more. Suitable for pastors, congregational leaders and councils, call committees, and anyone involved in church ministry.

    See excerpt from the book.  Though some of the material may be dated, most of it is still very relevant. There is more to the document than the evaluation of a pastor. It is about working together with the congregation, council and pastor in a healthy, mutual relationship. There are evaluation and discussion questions for the church council and the congregation as a whole, as well.



Synod Compensation Minimum Guidelines

Worship Resources

Pulpit Supply

Sabbatical Resources

Portico Benefit Services

Portico Benefit Services is a ministry of the ELCA that participates in "God's mission by working to 1) make the most of church resources by providing cost-effective benefits, and 2) strengthen leaders for ministry--financially, physically and emotionally.