Endowment Fund Ministry

Lasting Gifts that Make a Lasting Difference

We are a ministry of the La Crosse Area Synod, ELCA. Our goal is to support vital ministries of the synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Individuals and congregations can support the Endowment Fund with gifts of cash or investments, through wills and trusts, memorial gifts, charitable annuities and special offerings. Synod Endowment funds are primarily invested in the professionally-managed ELCA Foundation.

Synod Endowment Fund Board Mission Statement:

The Endowment Fund Board supports the long-term Mission of the La Crosse Area Synod through financial investment and support. By providing education, promotion, fundraising opportunities, and stewardship of our endowments, we deliver perpetual growth of resources and create a legacy of generosity that will sustain ministry for years to come.

How are our Funds used?

  • Synod Seminarian Scholarships

  • Lutheran Campus Ministry, La Crosse

  • General Synod Ministries


For additional information, please use the following resources:


Lutheran Planned Giving of Wisconsin

Cynthia Halverson, Regional Gift Planner

N46W28717 Willow Brook Ct., Hartland WI 53029

(414) 544-2008 / lpgwgift.org

Thank you for considering a gift to the La Crosse Area Synod Endowment Fund!

Synod Endowment Fund Board:

  • Bishop Felix Malpica, Ex Officio                             

  • David Ofsdahl, Chair 

    Kari Ellison, Secretary

  • Ross Hardie, Synod Treasurer, Ex Officio   

  • Howard Mills                 

  • Bill Herrman

How can you participate in our synod's endowment ministry. . . and why?